How Exercise Reverses Bone Loss in Men

Weightlifting can make a significant impact on bone health, especially for men as they age. Did you know that nearly 2 million men in the U.S. have osteoporosis, with 16 million more having low bone mass? But fear not! Recent research from the University of Missouri suggests that specific types of weight-lifting and jumping exercises can actually improve bone density in active, healthy, middle-aged men with low bone mass.

The Study

The study, conducted by Pam Hinton and her colleagues, explored the effects of weight-lifting and jumping exercises on bone health. They worked with 38 physically active, middle-aged men who completed either a weight-lifting or jumping program for a year.

Both programs required participants to complete 60-120 minutes of targeted exercises each week, focusing on loading the hip and spine with exercises like squats, deadlifts, lunges, and the overhead press.

Results of Weightlifting on Male Bone Loss

After just six months of completing the exercise programs, the participants showed significant increases in bone mass in the whole body and lumbar spine. Even better, these gains were maintained at the 12-month mark.

Interestingly, hip-bone density only increased among those who completed the weight-lifting program, suggesting the effectiveness of targeted exercises.

But what about the workout experience? Well, participants reported minimal pain and fatigue throughout the training programs, with these ratings decreasing over time. This indicates that these exercises are not only effective but also safe and manageable for most individuals.

Key Takeaway

So, what's the takeaway here? Weightlifting isn't just about building muscle strength; it's also a powerful tool for improving bone health, especially as we age. If you're looking to boost your bone density and overall well-being, consider incorporating targeted weight-lifting exercises into your fitness routine.

Reverse Bone Loss, Starting Today

At Transformation Personal Training in Asheville, NC, we understand the importance of tailored exercise programs, especially for seniors and those with specific health concerns like osteoporosis.

Our experienced osteoporosis personal trainers specialize in creating personalized workouts that address individual needs while ensuring safety and effectiveness. With our guidance and support, you can embark on a journey towards better bone health and a stronger, more vibrant you.

Schedule a Consultation


- University of Missouri. "Lift heavy for bone health." The Medical Republic, 22 Nov. 2023, [Link]

- National Institutes of Health. "Research reported in this news release was supported by the National Institutes of Health under award numbers NIAMS RO3AR055738 and R01DK088940."


How Weightlifting Improves Bone Density